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Travel Agent Becky


Hooray! You've been invited to a destination wedding!

You’re about to head someplace gorgeous! Don’t worry, all the information you need is here to pick the best rooming option and payment plan to attend.

Continue to look down the page for a direct link to your wedding couple’s special page. 

frequently asked questions

Don’t worry! Travel Agent Becky is standing by ready to help you book. If you need a phone call, it’s typically best to schedule an appointment. That way, you’ll have a designated time to connect. Sign up for a spot on her calendar here: 

When you submit your reservation, there is an “Additional Information” section. Here you can add in anyting we need to know about your stay. If you prefer to be on the first floor, prefer a certain bedding type, or to be roomed near someone. None of these will be guarantees, but we will pass the information on to the resort.

Not booking with Travel Agent Becky means you may not have access to all of the wedding events or exclusive offers. Your room will also not count towards any of the perks for the wedding couple. The wedding couple gets rewarded in discounts and event perks for the total amount of people that book into their room block.
It’s also important to note that more and more resorts are charging fees for those not booked within the group (or at other resorts altogether) to attend the events.
Each wedding event is run differently, and most allow for payment plan.

2026 Weddings

2027 Weddings